Honest sir, she is going to lamb.

As you good folks are aware, when we get busy, we get really busy. I work on the coast, my sweetie mans the farm. I get to be home 4-5 days out of 9.  A couple of weeks ago my sweetie needed to go to Vancouver island and give a hand to his brother for a few days. Now when ever we leave the farm a lamb appears. We had 3 more ewes to birth yet and one kind of needs to be around for these occasions. I was at work on the coast so we switched things up a bit. My lovely co-worker swapped some shifts with me so the sheep could have someone around for the incoming lambs. My sweetie drove down to the coast, picked me up, I dropped him off at the ferry terminal and started the drive home to the farm. I really wanted to make it home as he said the ladies were now waddling. So.... I drove...... likely a little quickly. Flashing lights, pull over, deep breath and..... Honest officer, they are gonna lamb by themselves. ......bad things have high potential to happen.  I was granted a smile and a gentle reminder to be watching that speed limit( smart cause the limit is 120 km an hour and do you really need to go faster!) Home I came, (of course I was mindful of that limit) and then found.....nothing.....no lambs. I watched and waited, checking every 2-3 hrs. I fussed about, I wondered if sheep could be induced, I prayed to the goddess that watches over sheep and easy births. Nothing, nada, no lambs. 5 days later I returned to the coast and work. First night off the farm. You bet, twin lambs, second night off the farm, you got it, more twins. My sweetie drove down on Friday-and  you got it- a lamb in the wee hours of Saturday morning. So happy to report that all mums and lambs are well. There are 14 little beauties happily at their mommas side out in the pasture.

Lynne Anderson