Super Wash Sale & Upcoming Plans
Dear customers & friends,
Thank you to all those who patiently waited for this super wash sale, it has been on my mind for awhile!
Here is the low down, I really don't think that because I don't enjoy super wash, that you shouldn't enjoy super wash.
I get that it is easy to wash - It's also not so kind to expect people who are working, raising kids, or have different lifestyles to think the same way I do. I still knit with it for the grandkids too. There is a time and a place for convenience!
We live and operate our own fibre farm now, so, my hands are naturally reaching for the wool from our own flock, it's my life's dream come true and I'm not afraid to say it, it's my favourite. That's what I want to bring more of to you, more new favourites. More...
...woolen spun, minimumally processed, farmy yarns!
I don’t want to leave superwash out to dry completely - we will begin to carry a limited supply of a super wash line produced in Canada that uses a closed loop system, meaning the chemicals used to treat the wool are refreshed and reused. Because
: how the sale works :
Thockies, Fits of Giggles and Laugh out Loud - price dropped by 25 %. Whew, thats a lot!
I want and need the current line to all go away so the shelf space is available, as well as the funds to reestablish the closed loop super wash line.( just so ya know, this line is frequently called “organically” processed, it is not, that is marketing for you)
Next, I have a wee bit of the “Fits of Giggles” base left. If the colour you want is sold out, I am happy to dye for you at the sale price- until that base is gone. Please contact me via the web site and I see what I can make happen for you. There is no ‘ Thockies” or “Laugh out Loud” base left.
Now, please,please,please make sure you select the appropriate shipping rates. I simply cannot afford to ship for free if the order is under 150.00. When the wrong shipping is selected I will contact you and let you know that the order will be cancelled. I will put your wool aside for 24 hours to give you the opportunity to reorder with the correct shipping.
Truthful moment: I wear super wash socks!!!
- Much love and happy stitches - Lynne & Chris